Privacy Policy

Owner data of the website:


Tax identification number (NIF): B67469528

Postal address: Av. Diagonal 353, 2-1B, 08037, BARCELONA

Email address:

Phone: (+34) 936 274 510

Commercial Registry: Volume 46996, Folio 139, Sheet B537650, Entry 1

Main purpose: Business Intelligence and Analytics using SAP technology

Data Protection: In accordance with current data protection regulations, we inform you that your data will be included in the processing system owned by BIMEX ANALYTICS SL with NIF B67469528 and registered address at Av. Diagonal 353, 2-1B, 08037, BARCELONA. Below are their respective purposes, retention periods, and legal bases. For those processes that require it, we also inform about possible profiling and automated decisions, as well as potential transfers and international transfers that BIMEX ANALYTICS SL intends to make:


Website management

Purpose: Processing and management of the necessary data for the functionality of the website

Retention period: as long as the provided consent lasts

Legal basis: Consent of the data subject

Type of Data: Merely identifying data

Transfers: Not foreseen

International transfers: Not foreseen

Profiling: Not foreseen

Web form

Purpose: Addressing your queries and/or requests

Retention period: as long as the provided consent lasts

Legal basis: Consent of the data subject

Type of Data: Merely identifying data

Transfers: None

International transfers: Not foreseen

Profiling: Not foreseen

Compliance management

Purpose: Management and processing of obligations and duties arising from compliance with the applicable regulations

Retention period: retention of document copies until actions to claim potential liability expire

Legal basis: Compliance with the law

Type of Data: Merely identifying data

Transfers: Your data will be communicated to competent Organizations and/or public administration if necessary to fulfill the obligations established in the applicable regulations. Moreover, the legal basis for the transfer is to comply with the obligations set in the applicable regulations.

International transfers: Not foreseen

Profiling: Not foreseen

Commercial actions

Purpose: Capture, record, and process data for advertising and commercial prospecting of our products and/or services

Retention period: as long as the provided consent lasts

Legal basis: Consent of the data subject

Type of Data: Merely identifying data

Transfers: None

International transfers: Not foreseen

Profiling: Not foreseen

Employment Board management

Purpose: Registration and data processing of candidates for the selection of personnel related to vacant job positions of collaborating entities and managing the employment board

Retention period: as long as the provided consent lasts

Legal basis: Consent of the data subject

Type of Data: Merely identifying data

Transfers: Your data will be communicated to Collaborating Entities if necessary to manage the employment board and forward the application to the collaborating company. Furthermore, the legal basis for the transfer is your consent.

International transfers: Not foreseen

Profiling: Not foreseen

Rights of the interested parties

BIMEX ANALYTICS SL informs Users that they may exercise the rights of access, rectification, restriction, deletion, portability, and opposition to the processing of their personal data before the Data Controller, as well as the withdrawal of the consent provided.

  • Right of Access: It is the user’s right to obtain information about their specific personal data and the processing that has been or will be carried out, as well as information available about the origin of such data and the communications made or expected with regards to them.
  • Right of Rectification: It is the right of the affected individual to have inaccurate or incomplete data modified. This can only be fulfilled concerning information under the control of BIMEX ANALYTICS SL, for instance, removing comments published on the company’s own page, images, or web content containing the user’s personal data.
  • Right to Restriction of Processing: This is the right to limit the originally intended purposes of data processing as determined by the data controller.
  • Right to Erasure: It is the right to delete the user’s personal data, except as provided in the GDPR itself or in other applicable regulations that specify the obligation to retain such data, in terms of time and format.
  • Right to Data Portability: The right to receive personal data provided by the user in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format and to transmit it to another data controller.
  • Right to Object: It is the user’s right to object to the processing of their personal data or to request the cessation of such processing by BIMEX ANALYTICS SL.

In order to exercise any of the rights described above, you must comply with the following requirements:

  • Submission of a written document to the address Av. Diagonal 353, 2-1B, 08037, BARCELONA (Attention: BIMEX ANALYTICS SL) or via email at
  • The document submitted must include:
  • Full name of the interested party and a copy of the ID card (DNI/NIE) or any identifying document. In exceptional cases where representation is allowed, the identification of the representative by the same means, as well as the document accrediting the representation, will also be required. A photocopy of the ID card may be substituted as long as identity is proven by any other valid means in law.
  • Specific request detailing the information being sought (nature of the requested information). If it doesn’t refer to a specific file, all information available with the personal data will be provided. If requesting information from a particular file, only information from that file will be given. Information regarding a third party will never be provided. If requested over the phone, the applicant will be instructed to make the request in writing and will be provided information on how to do so and the address for submission. Information will never be disclosed over the phone.
  • Address for notifications.
  • Date and signature of the applicant.
  • Supporting documents for the request made.
  • The interested party must use any means that allow proof of the submission and reception of the request.

Finally, we inform you that you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency in case you become aware or consider that an event may constitute a breach of the applicable data protection regulations.

BIMEX ANALYTICS SL is committed to adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures, according to the level of risks associated with the processes carried out by them and indicated in the section of the terms and conditions of use, to ensure their integrity, confidentiality, and availability.

Last updated: January 12, 2021.



In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), BIMEX ANALYTICS SL informs that it is the owner of the website. In accordance with the requirement of Article 10 of the aforementioned Law, BIMEX ANALYTICS SL informs of the following data:


VAT number: B67469528

Postal address: Av. Diagonal 353, 2-1B, 08037, BARCELONA

Email address:

Phone: (+34) 936 274 510

Commercial Registry: Volume 46996, Folio 139, Sheet B537650, Entry 1st

Main purpose: Business Intelligence and Analytics using SAP technology


Browsing, accessing, and using the BIMEX ANALYTICS SL website grants the user the status of a user, whereby, from the navigation on the BIMEX ANALYTICS SL website, all the established terms of use are accepted, without prejudice to the application of the corresponding legally mandatory regulations as applicable.

The BIMEX ANALYTICS SL website provides a wide variety of information, services, and data. The user assumes responsibility for the correct use of the website. This responsibility will extend to:

  • The accuracy and lawfulness of the information provided by the user in the forms issued by BIMEX ANALYTICS SL for access to certain content or services offered on the website.
  • The use of information, services, and data offered by BIMEX ANALYTICS SL contrary to what is established by these conditions, the law, morality, good customs, or public order, or in any other way that may result in the infringement of third-party rights or the proper functioning of the website.


BIMEX ANALYTICS SL is not responsible for the content of websites that users may access through the links established on its website and declares that it will never proceed to examine or exercise any kind of control over the content of other sites on the network. Likewise, it will not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, truthfulness, validity, or legality of sites not owned by them that can be accessed through the links.

BIMEX ANALYTICS SL declares that it has taken all necessary measures to prevent any harm to users of its website that could arise from browsing its website. Consequently, BIMEX ANALYTICS SL is not responsible, under any circumstances, for any potential damages that users may suffer from browsing the Internet.


BIMEX ANALYTICS SL reserves the right to make modifications it deems appropriate, without prior notice, to the content of its website. This includes both the website’s content, the terms of use, and the general contracting conditions. These modifications may be made through its website by any legally admissible means and will be mandatory during the time they are published on the web until validly modified by subsequent ones.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

BIMEX ANALYTICS SL itself or as a licensee, holds all intellectual and industrial property rights to its website, as well as the elements contained therein (including but not limited to images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access, and use, etc.), owned by BIMEX ANALYTICS SL. Consequently, these are protected works under Spanish law regarding intellectual property, subject to both Spanish and European Union regulations in this field, as well as international treaties related to the subject and signed by Spain.

All rights reserved. Pursuant to the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution, and public communication, including making the content of this website available, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes on any medium and through any technical means, without the authorization of BIMEX ANALYTICS SL, are expressly prohibited.

The user agrees to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by BIMEX ANALYTICS SL. They may view the elements of the portal, even print, copy, and store them on the hard drive of their computer or any other physical media, solely and exclusively for personal and private use. The user must refrain from deleting, altering, bypassing, or manipulating any protection device or security system installed on the pages of BIMEX ANALYTICS SL.

SSL Certificate (Secure Sockets Layer)

The SSL certificate provides authentication, privacy, and information security between BIMEX ANALYTICS SL and the user.

BIMEX ANALYTICS SL has a security certificate used by SSL Certificate to establish secure connections.

This process sets various parameters to ensure a secure connection using pre-established keys, encoding and decoding all data sent until the connection is closed.

Legal Actions, Applicable Law, and Jurisdiction

BIMEX ANALYTICS SL also reserves the right to take civil or legal actions it deems appropriate due to the improper use of its website and content, or the breach of these conditions.

The relationship between the user and the provider will be governed by the current laws and regulations applicable in Spanish territory. Should any dispute arise, the parties may submit their conflicts to arbitration or resort to ordinary jurisdiction, complying with the rules on jurisdiction and competence. BIMEX ANALYTICS SL is based in BARCELONA, Spain.

Contracts concluded electronically, where a consumer is involved, are presumed to be concluded in the place where the consumer has their habitual residence.

Electronic contracts between entrepreneurs or professionals, in the absence of an agreement between the parties, are presumed to be concluded in the place where the service provider is established.

Last updated: January 12, 2021.

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