BIMEX Analytics
3 min

Data-driven HR decisions

Human resources management has never been as complex as in this current global uncertainty. Fortunately, there are now tools available that allow tracing all possible paths based on the power of data.

How to find the ideal candidate? How to increase sales force? How to identify the causes of low performance in teams? Even, how to discern if I need to let go of an employee’s services? … and so on, an extensive list.

These are some of the many questions that human resources managers in companies managing increasingly multidisciplinary teams often ask themselves.

Despite the complexity of these questions and the impact of many HR administrative decisions, many companies continue to rely on experience, their internal processes, or global industry policies to make substantial personnel management decisions.

Fortunately, there are now agile and effective tools that rely on data to make fundamental decisions, regardless of a company’s size or industry.

Here are some of the most common challenges that companies face, now taking a new path through the lens of Human Resources analytics:


Undoubtedly, one of the processes that causes the most headaches for HR managers is hiring, from defining job profiles correctly to the extensive selection process for the ideal candidate. HR Analytics tools can shorten the timeline by establishing metrics that determine the effectiveness of each phase within the process.


Identifying the causes that lead to employee turnover should no longer be an unresolved case. Projecting the vast amount of available data concerning the reasons employees leave the company and their overall satisfaction with both their role and their team allows for the establishment of predictive patterns. These patterns will help address crucial points before further talent loss occurs.


Linked to the previous point, the current employees’ level of involvement in the corporate culture can also be measured with reliable and easily accessible data for the HR department.


While forecasting the growth or contraction of work teams has been a key element in human resources, it has become an urgent matter due to the uncertainty stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. A large number of companies across all sectors worldwide have sought ways to estimate the feasibility of reducing personnel. This, undoubtedly, is the distinguishing factor for choosing an analytical tool for making decisions in HR.

Hence, decision-making in the HR field based on beliefs, experience, and intuition should be transformed into something of the past. Going forward, the use of information to make more accurate decisions using one of the company’s main assets, “data,” is essential.

There is no better way to make decisions about personnel in the future than a tool that allows for establishing and evaluating all possible scenarios in such a complex environment as personnel management.

If you want to learn more about a solution tailored to the needs of your Human Resources department, contact us via our email at or through our website We can demonstrate what our specialized dashboard can do for your company.

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